Summer of Lev Festival - Levenshulme Manchester 2018


It's the first time I have been to The Summer Of Lev Festival, which is organised by the very hard working and innovative Jamie Whittaker. It's held at The Klondyke Club Levenshulme Manchester, which is an integral part of Levenshulme life and community.

The festival raises money for charity, was very well organised and clearly many people associated with the festival, had worked extremely hard to advertise and stage the event.

I knew it was going to be a good day when i met the Launderette lady on Albert Road. She was sat at the door of the business due to the hot weather. We had a chat before i took her photograph.She was great fun, and for me her image sums up real life!

Stacey my friend, had decided to 'piggy back' the festival and use it as the venue to celebrate her 40th birthday. It was a great decision. Whilst i didn't arrive until late afternoon and had missed the circus acts and most of the live music, it was absolutely buzzing and had a real community feel. The kids were building with Lego that had been spread out across the grass and even the 'grown ups' were playing 'Cats Cradle' (who remembers that then?) between a cheeky Prosecco or Cider (or lager and much more)

As with most events and celebrations I attend, I always take my camera and look for opportunity to take a few shots of people and characters. I normally take a large Nikon camera and lens, that is great for building triceps and bicep muscles, but it can become a bit too heavy if you're at an event as a guest for any length of time, so i took a more manageable Olympus Pen camera and prime lens. It was certainly more user friendly, but it's also easier to lose any accessories for the camera which i managed to do, and I'm grateful to those who found it all and returned it to me! :) (Jamie, my reward money is with Daniel Pitts and can be donated to the charity!)

I'm sorry I didn't land a bit sooner, as the live acts would have been fantastic to capture and probably the majority of images are of Stacey and friends. Below are a few of those i took, I hope you like them?


Matthew Lee - The Wadebridge Ironman


70 Years of the NHS